Dear Fall, You've Been Kind

2:22 PM / Posted by Robert /

As a vehement Animal Collective fan, I couldn't have been more pleased to hear that Domino Records "accidentally" mailed pre-order copies of their new EP, Fall Be Kind, a near-full month before their scheduled release. Now I'm merely speculating that this was a purposeful move by AC... but I just can't see how anyone could mistakenly put the discs on a truck to ship. Regardless.... thanks to the leak I've been listening to a lossless digital copy of the EP for a few days now... What follows I cannot be held accountable for as I was under the influence of the giddy excitement of not having class and the AC leak among other tings...

From the very start, the ethereal sounds of Graze draw you in... piquing your ear just in time for Avey Tare to announce his presence. "Let me begin...... Feels good cause it's early..... Ease open my eyes and let light in." Then you start to notice the strings... Were those there before? I don't know but they're here now and they're beautiful in a naturally majestic kinda way. The sound envelopes you and all of a sudden you get that nestled-in-your-bed-savoring-the-warmth-of-your-lush-down-comforter-while-the-sun-starts-to-peak-through-the-shutters kind of feeling. You know the one... still grasping at the fleeting images of your dream like wisps of smoke... clinging to the comfort of a world all your own. "Let's not worry. It's our morning." Well Avey's right there too crooning from the windowsill, "Let me begin... let me begin... let me begin."

And begin he does.. Graze is one hell of an opening track. I'm not sure that description is gonna make much sense right now... but take a listen and see if you don't know exactly what I'm talking about.

Graze - Animal Collective

That's all I've got for now... I'll continue to listen and post more about the other four tracks later. I'm sorry but this one won't be available for download:
1) Because it would be a copyright violation and the Web Sheriff would hunt me down
2) You REALLY need to buy this EP either digitally right now or on physical media available starting December 15th.



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